Terms and Conditions

Welcome to the Terms and Conditions of our tAIsty App. Please read these terms carefully before using our app.

1. Definitions

“AI” shall mean the Open AI API, a 3rd party artificial intelligence general chat processor that is integrated into tAIsty. Further details of this platform is available at openai.com

“tAIsty” shall mean a collection of all mobile applications, API, AI, database, website, and all other components, which collectively allow the platform to work as intended.

“tAIsty creators” shall collectively mean any persons directly or indirectly involved in the development of tAIsty, as well as any of their staff, subsidiaries, parent companies, contractors, or any other party that may be involved in any capacity in the creating, operating, or maintaining of tAIsty. For clarity, this shall serve to include FuseBox Online CC, and any/all of its staff, members, and contractors.

2. Intended Use

tAIsty is a mobile application, powered by AI, which is intended to assist users with generating cooking recipes, based on input parameters given by the user.

The input parameters which the user is to provide is intended to be edible food and/or raw ingredients that can be made into edible food.

The input parameters given are used to make a request to the AI, with a request for a recipe to be returned.

In the event that invalid input parameters are provided, the tAIsty platform may operate unusually or fail to work.

3. Disclaimers

By using this app, you agree to approach any and all generated content with scrutiny and acknowledge that a 3rd party AI is generating this content and tAIsty has no control over the content which is therefore generated.

The tAIsty creators make no guarantees of any nature whatsoever as to the nutritional value or edibility of any recipe generated by the AI, whether the end user inputted valid inputs or not.

The tAIsty creators offer no guarantees of uptime, and no service level agreement. Service availability is on a best-effort basis, whether the service is paid for or not.

By using tAIsty, you hereby irrevocably indemnify the tAIsty creators from any and all claims that may arise out of injury, death, damage to property, or any other claim that may result out of the downloading or use of tAIsty, including instances of negligence, gross negligence, or fault of any kind.

4. General

By registering and using tAIsty, you irrevocably agree to all of these terms and conditions of use.

These terms and conditions may be subject to change at any time. In the event of a change, users will be notified, and continued use will imply implicit consent of the updated terms and conditions.

These terms and conditions are to be read in conjunction with the tAIsty privacy policy, available at thetaisty.app/privacy

Any concessions made to any user does not constitute a waiver of the tAIsty creators’ rights, and the tAIsty creators reserve the right to rely on these terms and conditions at any point with any user.

In the event that any provision of these terms and conditions are deemed to be unenforceable, it shall be severed from the rest of the document and all other provisions will remain in full force and effect.

In the event that any party institutes legal action against the tAIsty creators, all parties agree to the jurisdiction of the Johannesburg High Court of South Africa.